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Musings of Africa Pt. 7:
There are gifts that I’ve always wanted to have. I’ve secretly envied the people who see images and get prophetic words for others. I’ve...

Musings of Africa Pt. 6: Spiritual Giants
I've always wanted to know what the conversations, the relaxed time, the tense and offended moments are like for the people I glean from...

Musings of Africa Pt. 4: Uncomfortable
You think this is glitzy- standing in front of these sweet kids, all eyes on me, their full undivided attention. But the truth is I was...

Musings of Africa Pt. 3: Identity
Many times, we identify these kids by their lack: "they're orphans". But I have a sneaky suspicion that they have a better handle on...

Musings of Africa Pt. 2: You Eat What You are Given
Anyone who knows me knows me, knows I have a complex relationship with food. I love food, but only certain kinds of food. I don't eat...

Musings of Africa Pt. 1: Coming Home?
I recently returned from a week long missions trip to Africa. While there, I had numerous soul stretching experiences that I'm going to...
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